Monday, April 16, 2012

Capstone Project 2012

Organize it!: Title your post and organize it by section in a logical manner.

Brainstorm!: Provide at least four of your team’s brainstorming ideas for the design solution. This should include brainstorming sketches. Each sketch should include labels and descriptions for communication.

Use our Inventor CAD software to model a prototype or your final design. Post screenshots of your model.

Enter the Matrix: Evaluate your solution ideas (4 minimum) using a decision matrix. Determine the best solution to the problem. Explain your rating system and share insight on why you rated your solutions as you did.

Design Solution: Create a detailed pictorial sketch or use 3D modeling software to document the best solution, based upon your team’s decision matrix. Your sketch or 3D model should include a rationale for the design selected as the final design solution. Each sketch should include labels and descriptions for communication.

"I've Made a Few Special Modifications...": Document modifications made to your design during implementation. Explain the reason for the modifications and describe how the new design solution will solve the problem. "Story" is the split between expectation and outcome. Tell us a story regarding what your plan was and how it actually came out! Use photos and sketches to call out three changes. (Nerd points if you know where the quote for this Achievement title comes from)

Final Implementation: This section will showcase your final hardware and software solution. Include photos of your hardware and program. Call out atleast three key features of your design that were significant to its performance. Report how your solution performed in the challenge.

Final Implementation - Video!: Embed a video that showcases your solution in action!

Reflection: Adress the four feedback types that we use in our courses (+, -, ?, !). Solicit feedback from someone outside of your team as well.
Some questions to consider in this section: How well did you accomplish your objectives? What would your team do differently with your design solution and why? Do the results fulfill the problem statement? Provide a brief explanation of what you learned, the challenges of working in a design team, and the purpose of the design problem.

Reference: Post a hotlink to material you referenced on the internet. Explain why this information is significant to your project.

Product Achievements:

Marble Sorting (some achievments scored multiple times):
Sort one marble (x1)
Sort two marbles (x1)
Sort three marbles (x1)
Sort four marbles (x1)
Sort four marbles (x2)
Sort five marbles (x1)
Sort five marbles (x2)
Sort five marbles (x3)

Sorting Speed (15 marbels total: 3ea of 5 types):
Process 15 marbles in less than 2:00 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:45 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:30 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:15 minutes.
Process 15 marbles in less than 1:00 minute.
Process 15 marbles in less than 45 seconds.
Process 15 marbles in less than 30 seconds.

Marble Delivery (may use non-fischertechnik materials to create a "hopper" to drop marbles into for "Drop" achievements):
Drop marbles from 6" above machine
Drop marbles from 1' above machine
Drop marbles from 2' above machine
Drop marbles from 6' above machine

Systems (not including motor or piston used to charge your pressure vessel):
Use one piston
Use two pistons
Use pneumatics but less than three pistons
Use at least one motor

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Changing the Game *Conclusion/Response to 'Moneyball'*

1) What was the “Moneyball”approach that Billy Beane and Peter Brandt applied to the Oakland Athletics 2002 season? Was it an “art” or a “science”? What single statistic did they boil their value consideration down to? (In class research/discussion)
They were given a fraction of the salary cap that most MLB teams have to work with, and were faced with the challenge of replacing two great players. They decided to rather than replace them, they decided to rebuild the team completely around a bunch of washed out and undervalued players because they have the stats that they want. Eventually, they bought most of their players on their ability to get on base (OBP).
2) What is the equation used to calculate OBP? (In class research/discussion)
Hits+Walks+Hit by Pitch/ at bats+ Sac flys+Walks+Hit by Pitch
3) What is design? (In class research/discussion)
Design is the process of developing a product that is both attractive and functional.

4) Describe 3 situations where movie characters (intentionally or not) applied a step from the PLTW 12 Step Design Process. Explain both the (a) situation as well as (b) how the step is relevant:
1 - Peter Brandt watched film after every game. This represents the "Test/evaluate" phase because he watches how the "prototype" functioned in the test (the game)

2 - Billy Beane forces scouts to remember the first step: Define The Problem. The scouts started throwing out names before they even recognized the problem.

3 - 20 game winstreak- Communicate your results because they prefered not to talk to the media about what they were doing, and they let the winstreak speak for them.

5) What is “Leadership”? List the three aspects of leadership that we come up with in class. (In class research/discussion)

1 - Effective direction of units.
2 -Two way respect
3 - A vision of success

6) Describe 3 circumstances from the story where a character exercised effective leadership:
1 - Billy Beane fires 2 players without the agreement of the Peter because he believes they are truly not right for the team no matter what their stats are.

2 - The coach gives the hurt first basemen a chance to pinch-hit in the 9th inning of their 20th game.

3 -Billy Beane begins to create a stronger relationship with his players.

7) According to the movie, what was the A’s record at the start of their winning streak? 68: 51
8) What does this ratio simplify to (roughly)? 1.5:1
9) How long was the A’s record setting winning streak? 20 games won.

10) Given the A’s win/loss ratio at the start of the streak (listed two questions above), what are the odds of winning 20 games in a row? Run the numbers. (In class research/discussion)
.0000000088% chance

11) Based on your calculation, do you think the A’s got lucky or was there something to the Moneyball approach?
The probability is far to low for it to occur by random chance in the relatively short amount of time the Athletics had been playing professional baseball in the modern era. The moneyball approach definintley assisted the odds greatly.

12) Did Billy Beane strictly apply the “science” of Moneyball to his management approach? Was there an “art” to his efforts as well? Describe a circumstance where he broke from the Moneyball approach to make a positive change for the team.
No, Peter used strict science, but Billy, having previous experience, understood and could recognize when a player was wrong for the team, like Jeremy Giambi, whom he fired.

Bonus Question (look into this if you’ve finished ahead of the class):
Money Ball was originally a book. What author wrote the book? What other books has this author written? Is there a theme to his writing?
Moneyball was written by Michael Lewis in 2003. He also wrote the book that the film "The Blind Side" Is based on. His writing has a theme of implementing revolutionary ideas in radical ways and the ways that people have done it and how we should improve and follow the models of certain people he believes "got it right".

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mini Project: Air Conditioning Unit

My group made a functional air conditioning unit that monitered and remotely controlled the temperature of a closed environment (cardboard box) by turning on a fan and a light when the temperature reading got too high or too low. We used a NTC resistor to measure the temperature inside the box. We were able to keep the readings between 295 and 301 for long periods of time.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3.1.5 variable functions


16. Describe how you might modify the plus command so that it can reset a varialbe block to zero within a program.
The plus program has an option to use it as a reset block, allowing that block to reset all the blocks with the same value to a set value [0] when the program passes the function. Once they are reset, the program can restart on a loop indefinently.
17. What might an industrial or manufacturing engineering need to count or keep track of? Describe one example.
The number of products made is an important number in manufacturing, of course. Industrial machines always have counters to measure the amount of product being created, especially if it is something like jelly beans or marbles that come in packages of many products together that need to be specifically measured by weight and/or number.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

3.1.4 Branch Programming

This worksheet is quite interesting, it displayed some very intriquing programs and functions made with simple ideals in mind.


1. Describe why it is important to include branches in programs.
Branches allow for flexibility in programs, and allow for code to be altered without changing the whole program. Branches create different outcomes with the same basic code, creating an efficient and simple system.

2. Describe an everyday application of a normally open switch that has not been given as an example.
A refridgerator door is a normally open switch because when you open the door, triggering the switch, the light turns on.
3. Describe an everyday application of a normally closed switch that has not been given as an example.
A normally closed switch is a paintball gun. When you hit the microswitch, the solenoid opens and the bolt is shot forward.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Flowcharts can be very helpful when expressing how to complete a task, especially complex tasks, and are introducing us to how code works.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Basic Programming Activity

Programming is very cool! This is my Basic program created on my ROBO Pro software, manipulating a control sytem with a motor allowing it to turn on and off at distinct intervals.

1. What is the best way to make sure that all of your devices are in the correct ports of the interface and have been wired correctly?
           If i made a mistake in the physical orientation of my system, the ROBO Pro software will let me know that the system did not function properly and i will see that the motor did not act correctly or did not turn on at all.

2. Explain the importance of labeling block functions within a flowchart.
         In a flowchart, different shapes represent different actions the system takes. A process confused with a decision would change the outcome of the whole system.